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Youth Residential Programme
Youth Residential Programme is a residential integrated treatment programme for young people aged 14-18 years who are experiencing serious difficulties with substance misuse and other associated problems

What we do


Welcome to Odyssey Youth Service.

The Residential Programme is a residential integrated treatment programme for young people aged 14-18 years who are experiencing serious difficulties with substance misuse and other associated problems.

Downloadable forms

Odyssey Youth Connect Referral Form

Odyssey Youth Connect Whānau Enquiry


Odyssey Youth Programme
Ph. 03 741 3060

The Philosophy


From its beginning Odyssey House Christchurch has developed psychiatrically orientated drug-free residential and day programmes from the therapeutic community concept of self-help.

The drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free community consist of programme participants and staff, this community works together to encourage and promote positive development in the individual.


The programme includes:


  • Individual & Group Work

  • Family/Whanau Group

  • Educational/ Vocational Assessment

  • Recreational Activities

  • Life Skills Development

  • Medical and Psychiatric Assessment

  • Legal Assistance

The young people learn how to use the community to assist and promote personal growth, with the primary 'therapist' and 'teacher' in the Therapeutic Model being the community itself. It also provides a predictable environment with well-defined boundaries, as well as encouraging the young person to learn not only consistency, but also reliability, responsibility and accountability. The community as a whole provides a crucial context for change.

Aims and Objectives


Odyssey House is a non-smoking programme, committed to providing quality service to meet the needs of young people with different levels of substance misuse.

To provide a comprehensive treatment approach to young people and their families at risk of substance misuse and associated problems.

To provide a friendly environment for young people who are alienated in mainstream society.

To expose young people to adults whom role model respectful relationships with each other and with young people.

To assist young people to develop a positive attitude towards health and social services.

To provide challenge, enjoyment, and excitement through recreational experiences which are an alternative to substance use.

To provide a case management approach which involves when possible liaison with families/whanau and other allied professionals.

To create opportunities for young people to try new things and to enhance their strengths
To improve young people's physical and mental well-being.

To develop educational opportunities that the young person can experience success and return to educational and vocational training in mainstream communities.

To provide access to appropriate information that will enable young people to make informed decisions regarding alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling and other harmful substances.

To encourage family/ whanau involvement

To reduce criminal offending

To provide an integrated approach to agencies and services involved in the treatment of the young person to maximize the resources available while in treatment.

Target Group


Young People aged 14-18 years who have met criteria for substance dependence.

No educational or vocational placement.

Persistent criminal offending related to substance use.

No stable home environment.

Agrees to voluntarily comply with the rules and regulations of the Odyssey House Trust.

Is medically suited for the programme.


Odyssey Youth Service provides access to treatment irrespective of young persons:

  • Gender

  • Ethnic Group

  • Previous criminal history

  • Sexual preference

Services Provided


The length of stay in the residential programme is variable and dependent on the young person's progress. The services provided are dependent on the specific treatment needs of each young person.


  • Individualized treatment plan

  • Education-individualised educational plan

  • Individual, group and family work

  • Life skills development

  • Focus groups

  • Recreational activities

  • Medical Services

  • Liaison with mainstream educational and vocational options

  • Regular review meetings and progress report with your family and referrer.

  • Legal assistance

The Programme Levels

Assessment for programme suitability

Orientation/Assessment Phase

(4-6 week)

Level 1
(Set some goals for attending the programme)

Level 2
(Reviewed my goals)

Level 3
(Been actively involved in all aspects of the programme)

(Made progress towards one of my personal goals)


Family and Whanau Involvement


Odyssey Youth Service encourages partners, family/ whanau & extended family/whanau to participate and supports the young person during their treatment.


How does this happen?


Family Group:

Family/Whanau and the young person come together to learn new strategies for coping with problems related to substance misuse.


This support may include:

Information about alcohol and other drug issues.
Information about Odyssey Youth Service & the therapeutic community.
Information and referral to family- specific services

About The School

The Odyssey Youth Service provides an educational programme. The educational programme aims to provide a supportive environment for young people that develops positive attitudes to learning and the social and learning skills necessary to enhance their life opportunities, health and well being. The primary aim in the planning and the provision of an educational programme will be that young people are enabled to generalise these skills to the community and other education or work settings.

The education is provided by the Southern Regional Health School and follows the National Curriculum Guidelines as provided by the Ministry of Education. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is formulated in association with Odyssey Youth Service, parents and other professionals involved with the young person, identifying specific areas the young person identifies.

Personal allowance


If aged over 16 years you will be able to access a WINZ residential allowance. This is put into a personal bank account opened for the resident by Odyssey House. The young person is taught how to budget his money. From this allowance, the young person is encouraged to save and
purchase clothing.



Visiting times for family/whanau is Sundays between 1 pm – 3 pm. Visitors will be asked to leave bags & cell phones either in the staff office or their cars for safety reasons. They will also be asked to leave gifts and/or letters for the young person in the staff office. Other visiting times are to be made by prior arrangement with the team leaders. Visitors are not allowed to smoke around the youth or provide them with smokes.


Making Toll Calls to Family:
The cost of phone calls to the family will need to be paid for by the family or from the young person's allowance.

Complaints Procedure


Procedure for conflict, grievance resolution, and complaints.


A written summary of the unresolved problem or complaint (encounter) is given to Odyssey Youth Service staff and discussed with them.

A structured meeting is then facilitated with staff members /residents involved, having support with them during the meeting.

The meeting works towards a resolution of the conflict/complaint and can make recommendations that help prevent re-occurrences of the problems.


If these steps do not resolve the conflict the young person may then put it in writing and forward to the Director of Odyssey House. All complaints will be investigated within 15 days.

If this process fails to resolve the conflict/complaint then the young person can contact Addiction Advocacy Services on (03) 943-5584 or contact the Health & Disability Commissioner 0800112233.

Programme rules


Therapeutic communities maintain an explicit code of rules and regulations that define and maintain a safe environment and an acceptable standard of behavior.


This is a non-smoking residential programme.


The Cardinal Rules


These rules address those behaviors for which there is zero tolerance in the community.

  • No alcohol or other drugs.

  • No violence or threats of violence

  • No sex or sexually acting out

  • No stealing

  • No gambling

If any of these rules are breached a group is held with those involved to explore the circumstances that have led to the situation where it appears a rule has been breached. This involves discussion about what was intended by their behaviour.


If it is confirmed that a rule has been breached there are a number of possible outcomes.


  • Discharge from the community

  • Or a young person may remain in the community on a status review plan



Alcohol and other Drug use Monitoring


Monitoring is used to assist the community in maintaining an alcohol and drug-free environment.


Urine analysis

The young person will be asked to submit a urine sample for entry to the programme and then encouraged to submit fortnightly screens. This is done so the young person and staff can monitor the reduction of their substance misuse.



A breathalyser is used on a random basis. It is also used in circumstances where staff or residents have concerns about the alcohol-free status of the young person.



The results will be discussed with the young person and their Key Worker. If the young person is unable to manage and maintain a reduction in their substance misuse, then consideration will be given for the young person to enter the residential programme.

Referral Process

Referrals can be completed using the above forms. Child Youth and Family agencies, Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug agencies can use the Professionals form. Parents and Caregivers can use the Whanau enquiry form.


Our Youth Navigator will get in touch to communicate the next steps. All referrals will need a recent Alcohol and Drug Assessment completed by an appropriate agency.


Odyssey House Trust Christchurch provides therapeutic support and education to clients with drug and alcohol addictions.


98-100 Greers Rd


Christchurch 8053

New Zealand


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