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Ngā Maihi Supported Youth Accommodation

16-24 years old
Available to those who have ever spent 90 days or more in Oranga Tamariki care or youth justice
Referrals can be made through social worker or transitions worker
Free service
We support rangatahi aged 16 to 24 who have been in Oranga Tamariki or Youth Justice care for 90 days or more at any point in their lives. Our focus is to encourage and support their journey to independence, promote recovery, development, and growth to maximise their potential for success and future lifestyle options.
We currently have a Whare Whakatau which is our Transitions House where we start to build relationships and make assessments on where to best place each young person. Where they are moved to then becomes their home for the duration of their stay, which can be a year or more. The ratio of one kaimahi to two rangatahi means we can provide intensive support.
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