Indefinite Disqualifications – Section 65 Assessments

If you would like to apply for a license again and have served the minimum disqualification period of 1 year and 1 day, you must prove to the Transport Agency that you are managing your drug and/or alcohol problems and that you are fit to have your license reinstated. This is a robust process and involves several steps you will need to complete and pass successfully:
A comprehensive Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) assessment
A medical examination and full drug screen
Completion of our Driving Change programme
Any other conditions attached to your disqualification or recommended in your AOD/Driving Change assessment.
Please note our Driving Change programme is an 11-week programme (2 hours one evening a week) and there is usually a wait list.
There is a fee payable for Section 65 Assessments, funding may be available from NZTA if you have not received it previously.
For further enquiries, please contact:
Section 65 Coordinator
021 242 0889