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SixtyFive ALIVE - Seniors AOD and CEP Service

What do we do


This is a programme designed to enhance the quality of life for people aged 65 years and over, who are concerned about their use of alcohol and other drugs, including prescribed medication and Co-existing Mental Health and Medical problems


Services Offered


-Consultation for other services

-Education training to other services on working  with older people experiencing alcohol or other  drugs concerns

-Facilitation of specialist services

-Joint case work

-Support to develop screening and brief  treatment within services

-Development of groups in partnership with  other services

-Specialist case management and treatment

-Co-Existing Problems treatment

-This is a home-based community service.

-We offer a Comprehensive Assessment by registered professional staff and personalised   treatment, based on individual need.

-Case management- we work co-operatively with  other services, that cater for the medical  (including detox), psychiatric and social/ support  needs of seniors.

-We offer education and support to assist  change for affected seniors and their  families/whanau, with the focus on wellbeing.

-Aftercare planning and follow-up, including  referrals to support agencies.

-We provide Linkage to Older Persons Health  Specialist Services.

-We undertake presentations to other services  and interested community organisations.

-We are able to assist services develop screening  and treatment supports

Referrals pathway:

Self-referrals, service referrals via phone or referral letters


Cost - Nil


Target Group:

-Services working with people 65 and over who  have alcohol or other drug concerns

-People over 65 who have alcohol or other drug  problems including Co-Existing Problems  (Under 65 of age where age related factors  impact on functioning)



Contact 65 Alive at


Referral Form: Click here

Odyssey Community Services

Te Hikoiinga Ote Whaiora


Odyssey House Trust Christchurch provides therapeutic support and education to clients with drug and alcohol addictions.


98-100 Greers Rd


Christchurch 8053

New Zealand


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